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Blue Zone Mainframe Emulator

Level 2
Hello, I'm also trying to connect to a BLue Zone 7.1 Mainframe Session using the instructions I found in the documents for how to set up Rocket BlueZone Mainframe Emulator. I always get the same errormessage: 'Failed to launch application - Launch failed: Error from ConnectToHostOrSession: An incorrect host presentation space ID was specified. The specified session either does not exist or is a logical printer session. This return code could also mean that the API Setting for DDE/EHLLAPI is not set on. Return code: (1)'

Level 15
I did a quick google for Blue Zone hllapi and found the following page that says how to set up that emulator for hllapi to work. Have you followed these instructions?:…

Level 2
Thank you for your reaction. I will look in to it.

Not applicable
Hi, Were you able to connect Blue Zone emulator with the Blue Prism and automate the process. I am also looking for the solution around the same. It would be great if you could share some thoughts on the same

Level 2
Hi,   Any updates on this? I'm having the same error.

Level 4
We are using Attachmate Reflection and getting same issue.   'Failed to launch application - Launch failed: Error from ConnectToHostOrSession: An incorrect host presentation space ID was specified. The specified session either does not exist or is a logical printer session. This return code could also mean that the API Setting for DDE/EHLLAPI is not set on. Return code: (1)'  

Level 2
We are having the same issue as Toon_Symens. We also have the same setup...Can anyone help? Please!

Level 3
Hi All,   The way to resolve this issue is to launch the blue zone executable bzmd.exe with /f parameter providing the config file path. Then attach to the process by using ""Attach Mainframe"" option.   Thanks, Mitesh

Hi Mithesh,

I did the same i am able to launch but not able to attach.i get the following error
stating "Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Attach' on page 'Attach' - Launch failed: Error from ConnectToHostOrSession: An incorrect host presentation space ID was specified. The specified session either does not exist or is a logical printer session. This return code could also mean that the API Setting for DDE/EHLLAPI is not set on. Return code: (1)"

when i try to attach..

Could you please help on this issue.

Hi All,

Did anybody resolved this problem.
we are having the exact problem , any input will be very helpful

Adarsha Bari Sharnappa