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BluePrism v5: Error RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED

Level 2
When running the process from Control Room, following error is received: 'Call was rejected by callee. Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010001 (RPC_E_CALL_REJECTED) This comes with BluePrism v5. Any ideas what is this error about?

Level 2
We experience the exact same error in BluePrism v4, does anyone know why this error occurs?

I have recently started getting this same error message (process previously worked fine). does anyone know what this relates to and, if so, what the solution is? Thanks

Level 6
Try restarting your BP Server

Level 2
We have been facing the same issue with an Excel workbook as well. After setting the visibility of the workbook to ""false"", it was working (Windows 7, Office 2013, Blue Prism v5.0.21)

Not applicable
This error occurs when one tries to run an action on Word or Excel when the programs are still not available. To avoid losing time efficiency, the solution I came up with was surrouding the most frequently called Word or Excel actions with a block, recovery, resume and a short sleep step. The error still occurs, but it will generally happen only once before being recovered