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CSV file

Level 2
Hi  How to create CSV file? Anyone can help me please    Thanks Kesava

Level 2
I tried create CSV file using EXCEL VBO but it doesn't help as internally it creates Excel file irrespective of extension supplied.   Option 1: One option I could see is to create a CSV template for your self (one time job) and copy file & Paste on desired location every time using File Management VBO ahead of performing action. I have not tried this yet however you can try.    Option 2: Write scripting which you are comfortable in to create CSV file.

Level 4
I used ""Append to Text File"" in the ""Utility - File Management"".   Type the full path of the csv file that you would like to create (Example: ""p:\TEST.csv"") In an input parameter ""File Name"".   Run it, and you would see a blank CSV file in the path the you have set in the input parameter.   Regards Met Vonghiran

Level 10
If you need to save collection as csv, you should probably just concatenate and write it yourself. If you want to save existing excel as csv, you'll need to change save action (or better create new action) to something like this:     wb.SaveAs(filename, fileformat, _      Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, _         True) fileformat enum for csv is 6 True at the end makes csv ""localized"" (for example Russian excel uses comma as decimal point, and semicolon as separator), otherwise excel will save in US locale. You can check all other options on MSDN.