Level 4
since ‎17-04-19

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  • 28 Posts
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Hello,I would like some advice regarding how to download a file from Salesforce to local folder. I'm using the BP Skill "Salesforce" to obtain the ContentDocumentId.  I use the following "GET" API to retrieve the base-64 from Salesforce/services/data...
Hello,I would like some advice regarding how to download a file from Salesforce to local folder. I'm using the BP Skill "Salesforce" to obtain the ContentDocumentId.  I use the following "GET" API to retrieve the base-64 from Salesforce/services/data...
Hello, my name is Met Vonghiran.   I have 2 qustions regarding the application modeller and sensitive information in the application. The confirmation of why developer should not use customer's specific information as a spy attribute By not log...
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