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Can someone Provide 6.8 Known Issues.

Level 2
BP Guys,

Can someone provide 6.8 Known Issues.? We recently upgraded to 6.8 finding lots of challenge in the release.  One of the challenge.

I have included a new page for Bulk Copy in the "Data - SQL Server", my previous version was 6.4, after upgrade to 6.8 it is showing one compile error.  I opened the object errors and clicked check again - reported zero errors.  When try to close the object, asked for save, I have the comments.  Before I click Ok to save I see the errors showing 1.  Now not able to use the object because it has some compile errors.

Swaminathan Madurai Natarajan

Here is the Knowledge Base article:

What are the known issues in Blue Prism Version 6.8?

See BG-6930 in particular, as it relates to changes to the code stage compiler in 6.8.

Additional details from the 6.8 Release Notes:
The compiler used to validate code stages written in C# and Visual Basic has been updated. The new compiler supports code stages written using the latest C# and Visual Basic code syntax. Because the new code compiler enforces modified syntax validation rules, code stages written and validated in a previous release of Blue Prism may generate syntax errors. It is recommended that code stages created in a previous release of Blue Prism are re-validated following upgrade.

Patrick Aucoin
Senior Product Consultant
Blue Prism