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Comma/Semicolon Issue in Expressions

Level 3
Hi all, I am facing one issue related with comma and semicolon. I am receiving the following error message: Internal: Failed to evaluate expression in row 2 of Write stage 'Write Data' on page 'page' - Misplaced " When I try to Evaluate Expression is because it is trying to find the character: , as a separator instead of ; As an example, I have: Replace("text"; "e"; "o") and BluePrism is trying to find: Replace("text" , "e" , "o"). The funny part is if I click on Evaluate Expresion, then it is working and BluePrism is recognizing both of expressions...but is not saving the changes and when I retry to launch the process from control room the issue is back. Before it was working properly so I can't understand what happened, I also tried to change computer settings changing List separator symbol. Any thoughts about this? Please, notice that changing all semicolon for commas is not a real solution, since I have several objects and all of them were working properly, so I would rather try to find the problem. Thank you very much in advance, Ismael.

That error suggests that there is an expression where the "" quote mark is not being used properly. To return the value A""B""C the expression needs to be ""A""""B""""C