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Data download/Send from Decipher to Blue Prism tool.

Level 3

Hi All,

I am new in BP Tool as well as Decipher application. Can you please help me to share steps how to transfer valid PDF data that has been processed in decipher to Blue Prism Tool. I am started one process that is involve PDF document, there is several PDF templates and I can upload through Decipher 01-Push Document process and created DFD also data validaton done manually for all type of PDF template. But can you please guide or provide steps how to use PDF data(which is extracted by Decipher) in blue prism process ?

Jayaprakash Kannan

Hi Jayaprakash Kannan,

These 2 processes that are provided out of the box are used to get data back in Blue Prism from PDF.

Process 3 will get all your verified documents in Decipher work queue in Blue Prism. 

Process 4 can lock the work queue items from Decipher Queue and get you data in a collection from where you can take it ahead as per your requirements.


If I was of assistance, please vote for it to be the "Best Answer".

Thanks & Regards,
Tejaskumar Darji -
Technical Lead


Hi Jayaprakash,

Another couple of places to help get you up and running are the foundation course on BP University - Decipher IDP Foundation training - and the online guide.


Ben Lyons
Senior Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Hi Tejaskumar,

Thank you for your suggestion. I have went through these below 2 process but I am getting trouble to get collection data or work queue data. It is communing in below format. Can you suggest how to retrieve data from decipher giving collection data 


After execution these 2 processes getting below collection with this format(screenshot)

process 3- Collection is: Document Data include Table(collection), Rows(collection)
Process 4- Collection is: Data include Table(collection), Rows(collection)

Work Queue: Decipher Item , when I retrieve data from this queue same format getting in collection

Please find attached screenshot


Jayaprakash Kannan

Hi Jayaprakash,

You can use a calc stage to get the fields collection. Please refer the below.


Athiban Mahamathi -
Technical Consultant,

Yes, it is a nested collection. If you open the collection and take a close look at each of the sub-collections you will find all of your extracted data.

You may need to build a collection manipulation logic to extract what you want from Decipher collection

If I was of assistance, please vote for it to be the "Best Answer".

Thanks & Regards,
Tejaskumar Darji -
Technical Lead


Here's some VB code to help extract the data in a more user-friendly format. You can add this to a code stage in a BP object set to use vb code and has the necessary namespaces declared. The code stage will have a Collection input called "Input" and 2 Collection outputs called "dFields" and "dTable".

To create a BP object for use with VB, go to the initialise page, open the properties (the box with the object name), go to the "Code Options" tab and at the bottom select "Visual Basic" as the language. You may need to add "Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll" as an external reference and "Microsoft.VisualBasic" as a namespace.

'// Set required datatables as new variables
Dim tFields As DataTable = DirectCast(Input.Rows(0)("Fields"), DataTable)
Dim tTable As DataTable = DirectCast(Input.Rows(0)("Tables"), DataTable)
Dim tRows As DataTable = DirectCast(tTable.Rows(0)("Rows"), DataTable)
Dim RowOne As DataTable = DirectCast(tRows.Rows(0)("Fields"), DataTable)

'// Add field names to output
For Each tRow As DataRow in tFields.Rows

	dFields.Columns.Add(tRow("Name"), GetType(String))


'// Add captured fields data to new row
Dim nRow As DataRow = dFields.NewRow()

For Each tRow As DataRow in tFields.Rows

	nRow(tRow("Name")) = tRow("Text")



'// Add table field names to output
For Each tRow As DataRow in RowOne.Rows

	dTable.Columns.Add(tRow("Name"), GetType(String))


'// Add table row data to output
For Each tRow As DataRow in tRows.Rows

	Dim cRow As DataTable = tRow("Fields")
	Dim newRow As DataRow = dTable.NewRow()
		For Each fRow As DataRow in cRow.Rows

			newRow(fRow("Name")) = fRow("Value")




Ben Lyons
Senior Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Hi Ben/Tejas,

Thank you for this, It is working with nested collection.

Now, I have trained to decipher with 7 type of PDF out of those given two type of Batch Name 1. BC PDF Extraction & 2. PersonalInformation.

Once I submit manually I can use Decipher-01 Push Document & Decipher -03 Get Verified Documens it was giving Document Data collection with data. But When I call from Blue Prism Process then Batch is not submitting in Decipher and data is not coming in Document Data collection. Is there any setting need to do automatically Batch will be submit. Below Screen shot given how I called these two process from Main Process studio.

9438.pngSomebody suggested -  Go to Decipher

  •           Go to Admin tab -Document Type (Select and Edit the Document Type)

  •          Scroll below and  Enable / Set Automatically Skip Data Verify to On

But I can't find such property in Decipher.


I did not try with Decipher VBO because I don't know which action I need to call and how . Can you help me how call from My Blue Prism to Decipher so that Data can populate in my collection. 




Jayaprakash Kannan

Hi Tejas,

Can I have your contact number Please.



Jayaprakash Kannan

Hi Tejas,

Can I have your contact number please?



Jayaprakash Kannan