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Filter Collection - Filter by value that contains '

Level 2

I'm trying to use the Collection Manipulation - Filter Collection action.

For the filter I have the following:

[Column Name] = '"&[Referral Source]&"'"

This is working for everything but a couple of Referral Sources are text containing a single quote for example "Let's"

So when I'm running the process I'm getting error:

Internal: Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Syntax error: Missing operand after 's' operator

Is there a way I can get this to work? Thank you in advance


Helpful Answers

Hello @JoanneC 

single quotes is a special character and when filtering, closes the condition and what is after doesnt recognize and throw that error. 

To filter with a condition that has a single quotes, you have to replace it by two single quotes (single quotes '' <> double quotes ", so keep in mind to use single quotes.)

I recommend to put a condition before filter on [Referral Source], ask with a decision if [Referral Source] have single quotes in it, something like this;

InStr([Referral Source];"'")>0

If yes, then replace it by two single quotes;

Replace([Referral Source];"'";"''")

The result should be something like Let''s, I know its weird. But filtering like "%let%s go%" with the wildcard inside, doesnt work.

Hope it helps



Daniel Sanhueza
RPA Professional Developer

View answer in original post


Hello @JoanneC 

single quotes is a special character and when filtering, closes the condition and what is after doesnt recognize and throw that error. 

To filter with a condition that has a single quotes, you have to replace it by two single quotes (single quotes '' <> double quotes ", so keep in mind to use single quotes.)

I recommend to put a condition before filter on [Referral Source], ask with a decision if [Referral Source] have single quotes in it, something like this;

InStr([Referral Source];"'")>0

If yes, then replace it by two single quotes;

Replace([Referral Source];"'";"''")

The result should be something like Let''s, I know its weird. But filtering like "%let%s go%" with the wildcard inside, doesnt work.

Hope it helps



Daniel Sanhueza
RPA Professional Developer


The Filter collection from the Legacy object has oh so many bugs.

Use the alternative action below (simply copy & paste into your object as a new action):

<process name="__selection__AS Utility - Collection Manipulation" type="object" runmode="Background"><stage stageid="93a10579-9749-4330-b0fc-803ab51698c9" name="Filter Collection" type="SubSheetInfo"><subsheetid>d4c0f119-6e50-4e9c-9825-c58c440f7414</subsheetid><display x="-195" y="-105" w="150" h="90" /><font family="Tahoma" size="10" style="Regular" color="000000" /></stage><stage stageid="12fdffdc-cfae-49d2-a53c-7f8e880d9132" name="Start" type="Start"><subsheetid>d4c0f119-6e50-4e9c-9825-c58c440f7414</subsheetid><loginhibit /><preconditions><condition narrative="None." /></preconditions><postconditions><condition narrative="The collection will have been sorted." /></postconditions><display x="15" y="-105" /><font family="Tahoma" size="10" style="Regular" color="000000" /><inputs><input type="collection" name="Collection" stage="Collection" /><input type="text" name="Filter" stage="Filter" /></inputs><onsuccess>a8ae0b69-1932-4242-8b01-343fd61161f2</onsuccess></stage><stage stageid="dc59e57f-6731-471e-87cd-381589cb5c5b" name="End" type="End"><subsheetid>d4c0f119-6e50-4e9c-9825-c58c440f7414</subsheetid><loginhibit /><display x="15" y="90" /><font family="Tahoma" size="10" style="Regular" color="000000" /><outputs><output type="collection" name="Sorted Collection" stage="Collection Out" /><output type="flag" name="Success" stage="Success" /><output type="text" name="Message" stage="Message" /></outputs></stage><stage stageid="930a0c07-6ee6-4dbe-8909-bea773ead0b2" name="Collection Out" type="Collection"><subsheetid>d4c0f119-6e50-4e9c-9825-c58c440f7414</subsheetid><loginhibit /><display x="-195" y="135" w="150" h="60" /><font family="Tahoma" size="10" style="Regular" color="000000" /><datatype>collection</datatype><private /><alwaysinit /></stage><stage stageid="a8ae0b69-1932-4242-8b01-343fd61161f2" name="Filter Collection1" type="Code"><subsheetid>d4c0f119-6e50-4e9c-9825-c58c440f7414</subsheetid><loginhibit /><display x="15" y="-15" /><font family="Tahoma" size="10" style="Regular" color="000000" /><inputs><input type="collection" name="Collection" expr="[Collection]" /><input type="text" name="Filter" expr="[Filter]" /></inputs><outputs><output type="collection" name="Filtered_Collection" stage="Collection Out" /><output type="flag" name="Success" stage="Success" /><output type="text" name="Message" stage="Message" /></outputs><onsuccess>dc59e57f-6731-471e-87cd-381589cb5c5b</onsuccess><code><![CDATA[Try

Collection.DefaultView.RowFilter = Filter
Filtered_Collection = Collection.DefaultView.ToTable
Success = True
Message = ""

Catch e As Exception
	Success = False
	Message = e.Message
End Try]]></code></stage><stage stageid="4d3d16a2-e35c-4ce5-875a-984d9b716e7f" name="Message" type="Data"><subsheetid>d4c0f119-6e50-4e9c-9825-c58c440f7414</subsheetid><display x="-195" y="210" w="150" h="30" /><font family="Tahoma" size="10" style="Regular" color="000000" /><datatype>text</datatype><initialvalue /><private /><alwaysinit /></stage><stage stageid="daaa6425-fe73-4da0-a202-5a712af87809" name="Success" type="Data"><subsheetid>d4c0f119-6e50-4e9c-9825-c58c440f7414</subsheetid><display x="-195" y="180" w="150" h="30" /><font family="Tahoma" size="10" style="Regular" color="000000" /><datatype>flag</datatype><initialvalue /><private /><alwaysinit /></stage><stage stageid="5ef3d2e5-3278-4dcb-b2a5-ba3c34288aa8" name="Collection" type="Collection"><subsheetid>d4c0f119-6e50-4e9c-9825-c58c440f7414</subsheetid><display x="-195" y="-15" w="150" h="60" /><font family="Tahoma" size="10" style="Regular" color="000000" /><datatype>collection</datatype><private /><alwaysinit /></stage><stage stageid="5732d266-00c5-496e-a477-6119c8fffa57" name="Filter" type="Data"><subsheetid>d4c0f119-6e50-4e9c-9825-c58c440f7414</subsheetid><display x="-195" y="45" w="150" h="30" /><font family="Tahoma" size="10" style="Regular" color="000000" /><datatype>text</datatype><initialvalue xml:space="preserve">Field1='1234561' AND Field2='bbb'</initialvalue><private /><alwaysinit /></stage></process>




Andrzej Silarow

Thank you, that worked! 

Hi I am trying to do for DESC in a Rg column collection and the query I have given is 



I am getting error like


can you please help me on this




You should be using the Sort action instead of Filter

Yes i did that only finally thanks