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Image Problem

Level 3
Hi, I am facing a problem while entering the data and submitting the form. The way the (browser based ) screen is designed it has a search text box and a image next to it. To search I need to enter text in the text box and then press the search image. When I am spying I am able to find that image but its not highlighting.At run time as well it is giving an error that element not found as stated below: Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Navigate1' on page 'Search Report' - No elements match the supplied query terms Any thoughts what's the issue here?

Level 5
Which kind of spying are you using, and which browser? Internet Explorer opens up the HTML Mode for application modeler which is pretty advanced.

I am using IE. Do u mean ""Open Application Navigator"" option?? that usually errors out.

Level 4
Hey! He means when you spy the IE web page, are you using the HTML spy-mode? You could also try spying some element on the web-page, then checking from the HTML what is the ID of the image and then in Application Manager change the ID to match the image's ID. You do have to uncheck everything else. And it only works if the image has an unique ID.

Level 15
You need to evaluate what has changed between when you identified your element, and when you try to use it later. I recommend re-spying it into a new element and comparing the two. There are a number of elements that are prone to change on some web pages (ID, URL, even path sometimes). The other issue that could be occuring is that you are running at full spead and your element is not loaded at the point when you attempt to use it. I recommend using the 'Parent Document Loaded' option in wait stages at the start of all HTML actions. Also, if you have problems with the HTML inteface for a website, the AA mode usually works as an alternative.