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Oracle java application slowness issue

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Hi, I am  currently developing one process   In this process TERP application (Oracle Apps) is a candidate application, with this application facing slowness issue. The job which takes 5-7mins for manual processing, in that place Robot is taking 18-20mins.   It€™s a JAVA applet application so used JAVA mode to spy the elements and as per Blue Prism recommendation updated java version to latest(java-1.8).   We have also tried this process on Blue Prism -5 as well as Blue Prism -6 versions, but no progress on both versions taking same time.   If anyone have solution for this please suggest.  

Level 3
I'm having a similar issue and I can't say that I've found a solution yet. I've tried altering the attributes of the spied items and you can get some small gains in there. The only thing that's made any real different is running the process on a physical desktop resource, the VM (of same specification) takes 5 times as long to run per case. Surface automation doesn't work as hoped due to the OCR not being able to read the text properly, still working on it though.

Level 2
I gave up and used Java to the barest minimum and surface automated the rest and it runs so much faster now. Just remember to make sure when it attaches to the BO it also maximises, and should be easy going after that. With the OCR text reading, if you pay around with the scale that should help a lot, I found depending on the part of the JAVA applet it would either be OCR or reading via surface automation and a font, and adding any missing letters to the font due to JAVA having unique letters.   hope this helps.

Level 3
If you have multiple windows open in the Java application, try minimising all except the one you want to interact with. This will reduce the amount of elements Blue Prism has to read to match your element. Try manually minimising first then you can automated this via a Navigate stage with the Do action with Toggle Minimise.

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Hi, I'm sorry I cant help as I am having exactly the same issue, but was wondering if any of you have found a solution or is using a combination of java when needing to write and OCR for reading values the way forward? I have managed to get the time it take Blue Prism to find an element to around 5 seconds from what was 10 seconds by playing around with the elements attributes but now cannot speed it up any further unfortunately. Using the keyboard shortcuts within oracle also helps, but 5 seconds per element to read text from is far from ideal.   Thanks.