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Send key event to select a data in word file

Level 4
Hi, I want to delete extra information in word file Scenario: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !-Open Word file 2-Find text "Result" 3-Delete from word "Result" to end (I used Global send key events - CTRL+SHIFT+END--------"{CTRL}" for the above scenario) Question: When I pass this value "{CTRL}" into Global send key event after that I found data is not selecting because SHIFT key is not working in this scenario through Blue prism Kindly help me.

Level 5
Hi Mohammed, The issue is that you are not letting go off the 'END' key and hence even when you manually press CTRL+SHIFT+END and leave CTRL and SHIFT, the cursor will be returned to the end of document and the selection will be gone. Please try using ""{CTRL}"". This should work.

Hi, I have same issue right now. I tried ""{CTRL}"" but again without selection the cursor just went od the end of the text. Somebody solve it? Thank you

Hi Vladimir Were you able to solve this at all? I have the exact same issue and haven't been able to find a solution... Thanks in advance Gary

Level 15
My thoughts.: 1. Have you tried one of the set text actions in the MS Word VBO to sent your text to something like """" 2. Global interactions will interface with the current globally focused screen element. Just because you have used the MS Word VBO to find text does that mean the cursor is now in that position and the mouse is active at that location? I do not know if it does? 3. Your steps in the first commen in this thread do not include Surface Automation steps to activate the window, focus the element etc. Which may mean the answer to my previous thought is no.

Hi Dennis My issue is that the section of text is variable, it's a ta Le of information which I'm wanting to replace... So I'm able to navigate the cursor to the exact location I want my selection to begin, but then to highlight everything beyond that I'm struggling with... The {CTRL} and {END} functions are working, as its moving the cursor the to end of my document, but it's not highlighting as {SHIFT} would do.