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Send keys to create new email message in Outlook

Not applicable
Hi, I've tried to create new email message in Outlook through "^(N)" value, but I've got entirely different window than standard window in Outlook for new message. When I try to manually push the combination of send keys Ctrl + N I have the standard window of new message. Unfortunatelly when the Blue Prism choose this combination it doesn't work. Then I have a yellow window that looks like sticky note, something similar. What can be a reason? P.K.

Not applicable
Hi, Thank you for your answer. I have one more question. Is it possible to send an email through spying elements in Outlook application? Thanks.

Level 7
P.K Sure you can spy the Outlook application as you would any other. Not sure why you would want to though? - Tom

Level 7
Can you not use MAPIEx? or SMTP?

Level 5
Using MapieX is the best way to create a new mail and send it. If you still want to use the other methods, then I think a good option for creating and sending new emails would be to use the pre-defined Email VBO if you can gets hand on the POP3/SMTP settings. Else, spying Oultook is an optiopn as well.

Level 4
Is there an pre-defined outlook VBO?

Yes, there are 2 options for that: 1. Email-POP3/SMTP object and 2. Blue Prism MapieX object Both have the basic functionality of Outlook.

Level 4
Thanks Shreyans, I tried to use the MapieX object and send 3 parameters - To, Subject and Message. I am getting error Failure in Send Mail function of Blue Prism Extended MAPI Automation. Failed to adding BCC From the section of the code: For iRecipientElement = LBound(aRecipients) To UBound(aRecipients) If aRecipients(iRecipientElement) """" Then If Not mapiMessage.AddRecipient(aRecipients(iRecipientElement), mapiMessage.RecipientType.TO) Then Error_Message = ""Failure in Send Mail function of Blue Prism Extended MAPI Automation. Failed to adding BCC "" & aRecipients(iRecipientElement) Success = False GoTo done End If End If Next In the To parameter - I am sending only one email id in the format

Level 4
Looks like I missed out the "";"" at the end of the mail-id. This solved the problem

Level 3
Hi All, Would anybody know where one can learn more about how Blue Prism works with MAPIEx? Additionally, where would would the Blue Prism object be found? Thanks, Jay