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Simple PoP up elements

Level 3
Hi all, I am a newbee to BP. I am trying to automate webapp one flow. It has a pop up modal form. I am able to spy and identify the elements on the pop up screen. However at the runtime its giving an error saying: No elements match the supplied query terms Please advise.

Level 7
Amit, You need to include wait stages to check the element exist before interacting. Tom

Level 3
Thanks all, applying a wait helped. Next I am stuck with how to select a value from DropDown. First I am doing Click Center, which works fine and opens the drop down as expected, next I do is Select Item where I give the value to be selected. The second step gives an error saying: "" No elements match the supplied query terms"". Please advise.

Level 2
Make sure you are using separate Navigate stage for launching and Selecting dropdown and the element type is ""HTML Combo box"" in application modeler while spying the dropdown.