I'm trying to spy one line of text in a PDF document (document contains only one page), using Adobe Reader Version 10.1.14, which is perfectly recognized by the Accessibility mode. But unfortunately I'm getting the following error:
"There was an error during the spying operation.
System.ApplicationExcpetion: The window spied was not found in the model at BluePrism.AMI.clsAMI.Spy(clsElementTypeInfo&elementType, List`1&identifiers) at Automate.frmIntegrationAssistant.HandleSpyOrLaunchClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)"
Did anyone experience this error as well?
If you have any idea how to solve this issue, every help is appreciated.
(System requirements: Win 7, 64bit, Blue Prism version 4.2.19)
Many thanks,