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Spy adress bar

Level 3

I need to spy the address bar of google chrome but I can't seem to identify it. Can someone help?

Carolina Soeiro

Hi Carolina have you tried another spy mode like AA or UIA?

John Carter
Professional Services
Blue Prism

Yes, however, I don't know the best practice for that. Do you have a recommendation?

Carolina Soeiro

Hi Carolina,

You can use the UIA mode to spy the address bar control in Chrome as shown in the below screenshot. Here, the control type, match index and UIA name seems fine to use. You can even remove the UIA name if you want, still would work fine. Hope it helps. :


Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Automation Consultant
Blueprism 6x Certified Professional
Hope this helps you out and if so, please mark the current thread as the 'Answer', so others can refer to the same for reference in future.
Devneet Mohanty,
SS&C Blueprism Community MVP 2024,
Automation Architect,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.

Hi Carolina,

  I have come across this issue myself across a few versions of Blue Prism.  I always ask myself in these situations "how would a user do this without a mouse?"  This leads me to using send keys and keyboard shortcut keys.  This is very reliable if you ensure that you are focused correctly on the active target browser window.

You can do this in a single Navigate stage  or in four separate stages.

  Step 1: Activate the Chrome Window
  Step 2: Global Send Keys - "^l^x"  - will get the address in the address bar if you are attached, focused and the browser is activated.
  Step 3: Global Send Keys Events - "{SHIFT}{DEL}" 
  Step 4: You can then enter the [URL] (keep in mind that you will need to escape the web encoding before you send the URL here i.e. %20 = a blank. )
  Step 5: Global Send Keys Events - "{SHIFT}{DEL}" 

  • This works in Chrome and Edge and should work in Firefox as well.
  • This also works for Save As and Open dialogs under chrome/edge as shortcut keys are available 99% of the time. 
  • So far I have not had any issues with this method from 6.5 through 6.10.2.
  • If you don't then it may not work depending on the version of BP you are using.  By escaping it first you  ensure the browser will encode the URL appropriately once you write it to the address bar. 

Hope this helps!
Chris Johns
Professional Services

Blue Prism

Christopher Johns
Blue Prism