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Still "operation failed: An object could not be found" issue with Outlook VBO 10.2.2

Level 3
Hi Eric @ewilson and all

we are not able to get the received emails from the subfolder of one of our shared mailboxes since the beginning of this month. We tried MS Outlook VBO 6.10.7 and the newest one 10.2.2 both and removed all the filter expressions. Getting emails from the inbox directly works, from the subfolder under the inbox however doesn't.
We already enabled the 
Use Cached Exchange Mode and Download shared folders

Blue Prism Version: v7.1.1
Outlook VBO versions: v6.10.7 & 10.2.2

Does anyone have a solution please? Many thanks.


Best Regards,

Level 3
@ewilson Thanks. I added the two lines to the start of the GetFolderFromPath function in the Global Code section and restarted the server.
I usually log on to the server for the BP testing in two ways:
      1. I sign in to Windows with my Active Directory account and the Outlook profile is setup with my business email address
      2. I sign in to Windows with the bot account and the Outlook profile is setup with the bot account email address
The only difference between the two email addresses is - as far as I know - that my own mailbox, as well as our testing Functional Mailbox ("DE- *** RPA DEV") were migrated to Exchange Online while the testing bot account was not, since we found that the actions of MS Outlook VBO v.6.10.7 for sending, moving and getting emails suddenly failed after the migration.
After the two lines were added in the Global Code section, I can move the emails from the inbox of the shared box mentioned above to one of its subfolders by the action Move Item with the bot account now. But I still get the "operation failed" error with my AD account for Windows and my business mailbox for Outlook.
On the other hand, I tested further the action Get Items in Folder. All the paths (\\DE- ***DEV\Inbox\testVBO\testVBO1, 2, 3, 4, 5) are correct which were proved by the action Move Item.
I can get the emails from testVBO1 eg. with my AD account for Windows and my business mailbox for Outlook. But I got one of the following errors ​​with the bot account instead while testing:
35205.png35206.pngThe RPC server should be the current running server. I saw no errors on it with my AD account or the bot account. Other Outlook VBO actions such as Send Mail worked.

I'm not sure whether all the strange behaviors come from one single problem or whether my brief description made it a little bit clearer..


@Yini Zhang,

Given that this started after the migration of your accounts to Exchange Online, I'd suggest checking the status of the Use Cached Exchange Mode and Download shared folders options for each account again. I know you said they're enabled, but just verify that they are enabled for your business account and not just the bot account. That's the only thing I can think of that would cause issues with getting access to folders.

If they are enabled try disabling and restart Outlook. Then re-enable them and try again. If that doesn't solve the issue, you may need to consider looking at the Microsoft 365 connector for Outlook. It uses the Microsoft Graph API to work with Exchange online instead of trying to work through the local Outlook instance.


Level 3
@ewilson Thank you Eric for your suggestion. You mean the one under Blue Prism Digital Exchange right?
Best Regards,

Hi @Yini Zhang,

Yes, that is correct.


Level 3
@ewilson thank you, we will give it a try. If you have any other ideas about the issue, please write me at any time. Much appreciated.:)


I tried this approach and downloaded the from internet and added it into the blueprism automate folder and referenced it in the above manner, but it is giving me error like messagebox not declared in code stage and namesapce is not publically declared. 

@ewilson,@YiniZhang  - Can you help me on this one, can i share my errors in detail here.

@abhi.sachdev_hcl if you have the .NET Framework installed on your machine you already have the System.Windows.Forms.dll installed on your machine. It's likely in you GAC (Global Assembly Cache).

The error you're getting means you've missed something in the declaration of the DLL and Namespace in the Global Options settings. Can you post a screenshot of your definition?


@ewilson - Thank you for your response. I tried again with carefully checking my inputs and it worked. I was able to debug code with MessageBox.Show(). thanks!