21-12-22 01:14 PM
29-12-22 05:47 PM
30-12-22 02:17 PM
11-01-23 02:07 PM
11-01-23 04:46 PM
12-01-23 10:06 AM
I tried this approach and downloaded the system.windows.forms.dll from internet and added it into the blueprism automate folder and referenced it in the above manner, but it is giving me error like messagebox not declared in code stage and system.windows.forms namesapce is not publically declared.
@ewilson,@YiniZhang - Can you help me on this one, can i share my errors in detail here.
@abhi.sachdev_hcl if you have the .NET Framework installed on your machine you already have the System.Windows.Forms.dll installed on your machine. It's likely in you GAC (Global Assembly Cache).
The error you're getting means you've missed something in the declaration of the DLL and Namespace in the Global Options settings. Can you post a screenshot of your definition?
@ewilson - Thank you for your response. I tried again with carefully checking my inputs and it worked. I was able to debug code with MessageBox.Show(). thanks!