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Three Queues, Three Resource PC's. I have an requirement that each queue gets into one resource pc and should lock the queue.

Level 3
Hi, I have an requirement that I have 1) three Queues 2)Three Resource PC's 3)Excel File with Data I need to split the work by taking input excel file and provide it to respective queues and resource PC's based on some Tag number. Now the problem I am getting is I need to do queue lock after each queue gets it's Item IDs, since whenever user wrongly enters same tag number it would crush. Eg: When first queue acquires some data and process in first resource pc and whenever user again wrongly enters same tag number as of first queue then it would be a problem, since it is already running. Any solution for this. Thanks,

Level 3
Hi, Any help for this is greatly appreciated. Thanks,

Not applicable
Hi Rajesh, I hope you can elaborate a bit. Is the problem that you do not want a process to put a new element into the queue which has the same tag as an element already in the queue? Or do you want to make sure that two of the resource PC's do not handle the same queue element at the same time?

Hi timmorthorst, Yes I don't need two resource PC's to handle same queue at same time. Thanks,

Not applicable
In that case I would use an environment lock which basically works as a MUTEX. If you download one of the process templates from the Blue Prism portal you can see examples of how to use them on the pages which take care of loading elements to the queue.

Hi Timmorthorst, Thanks for the reply. But when I used environmental lock it is locking whole process in the other Resource PC not the queue. For eg: I am running a process in Resource PC1 with Queue1 with Environmental lock Lock1 and simultaneously i am running same process in Resource PC2 in Queue2 with same Lock it is in locked state in Resource PC1 and until it finishes it's ItemID's in Queue1 it is not allowing other resource PC to run. Even in the Environmental VBO's there are no option of selecting a particular queue to lock it. I have attached an image which gives LockName, ResourceName ,Lock Time and Process name and not the queue. can u help me on this. Thanks,

Not applicable
Hi again Rajesh, I can unfortunately not see the attached image. What you describe is also exactly what should happen, as the environmental locks work with mutual exclusion. If you want the resource PC's to be able to work at the same time, but just not use the same case, I would create an environment-exposed variable which contains an ID tag of the individual case in process - in that way, each resource PC picking up a case can check that non of those environment-exposed variables contain the ID of the queue element which they are picking up.

Level 3
Ok, Thanks again timmorthorst.