I am in the process of separating one object being used in a process into three smaller objects. One object will launch Chrome and the other two will need to attach to the already launched browser.
For one object, I keep receiving the error message: "Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Attach' on page 'Attach' - Target application could not be identified". I know this is basic and many other forums cover this, but I haven't figured out a combination of Window Title, Process Name, or Child Index that works.
Here is what my code looks like:

Combinations I have tried:
Target Page (in Application Modeller): * and Window tab name
Window Title: same as tab name, *, same as tab name + white space
Process Name: blank and "Google Chrome"
Child Index: 0 and 1
I'll usually make one change and work my way down the line, but I've tried all combinations of the above and none of them can make the Object attach. The flag will return False and throw an error.
A weird thing to note, the other object that I mentioned will return False during the Attach page and continue as if nothing is wrong. The flag will return False and the process will click elements on the page when run in Process Studio. This Object has the target page in Application Modeller set as Welcome and "Welcome " (with a white space) set as the Window Title in Attach.