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Unable to spy in AA mode

Level 2
Hi, I'm using IE to spy some HTML elements using AA mode. When trying to highlight the elements, the only ones highlighted are the main IE window and main HTML page within IE. I could not highlight individual elements within the page. The other spying mode seems to work fine. I tried selecting the main window and the following error occurs: There was an error during the spying operation. System.ApplicationException: Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Accessibility.IAccessible'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{618736E0-3C3D-11CF-810C-00AA00389B71}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)). at BluePrism.AMI.clsAMI.Spy(clsElementTypeInfo& elementType, List`1& identifiers) at Automate.frmIntegrationAssistant.HandleSpyOrLaunchClick(Object sender, EventArgs e) This issue not only happens in IE, but other objects that I've built before could not be spied using AA mode. I've tried restarting both BP and my system a couple of times, and it still gives the same error. If anyone how I can fix this problem, pls let me know. Thanks, Hazlee

Level 15
Issues such as this are often due to either not being attached to the correct IE process (try experimenting with TabProcGrowth and/or Child Index), or interfacing using the incorrect Application Modeller mode (the internnal/external/64bit/32bit stiff).

Not applicable
I have a similar issue, except that I'm spying Excel's UI. (I've tried 2-3 other applications as well, with the same results) Blue Prism should be connected to the correct process, as there were no other Excels open. Also, I have tried all the Application Modeller modes. The spying operation seems to be detecting the same UI elements in AA mode as it detects in Win32 mode - however, it is giving the above error message for me as well. The problem seems to be machine-specific, and it must have been broken because of a Windows update : the same operation with the same application worked on that machine before (I was returning to a former process, which worked - however, all the actions relying on AA elements broke) on a different machine, the elements can be spied with AA mode without any issue - however, the elements spied this way cannot be detected by BP on the former maching. Are there any Windows updates known to break AA mode? Based on a quick googling this kind of error affects other automation solutions as well.

Not applicable
Just linking in the potentially relevant article from knowledge base : Active Accessibility (AA) spy mode is missing, will not detect elements, or produces the error 'There was an error during the spying operation'