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Utility-JSON issue

Level 3
Hi, While working with the VBO 'Utility-JSON', I used both the actions(viz. JSON to Collection,Collection to JSON) given in the VBO and found that if the input is a json containing some field as an array,and if I use both theses actions one after the other ie(using JSON to collection first and then using Collection to Json to the sample collection) the output JSON message doesn't match the input JSON message.The array fields get wrapped in another array.Also the entire JSON object gets wrapped as an array. Any solution to solve this issue?

My global code from json vbo that should fix this issue:

p.s. I think I also made it always treat datetime as local, because that is what I want most of the time.

Andrey Kudinov
Project Manager
MobileTelesystems PJSC

@AndreyKudinov Thanks for shared!!​

Emerson Ferreira
Sr Business Analyst
Avanade Brasil
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Sr Cons at Avanade Brazil