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Web Applocation Automation Best Practice Question

Level 3
Hi Everyone, I am trying to automate a web application. But ALL the elements we spied using AA mode and using a MATCH INDEX.  We are planning to use the index value as dynamic attribute and pass the value from process to access particular element in Web page.   Will this solution design is a reliable one.    Any suggestions are welcomed.    -/Krishna Kishore. 

In our expiriences, using AA have been highly unstable (Been working with BP for about 2 years now). For webpages that dont support html interaction, we have had more succes using surface automation. With the changed approach to surface automation in v.6, it is pretty easy to create and maintain solid surface automation sollutions.

Level 10
If you are using BP 6 and above, give a shot to UIA solves most of the problems. More reliable, better speed than AA mode (Slower than html mode though).