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"Identify" button doesn't work after "Launch" the application

Level 2
Hello everybody, I am newbie to Blue Prism and using Version 5 ( on Windows 7 Enterprise. I having some trouble with "Identify/Launch" button in Application Modeller. For some applications, after I launch to them, the "Launch" button change to "Identify". But I encountered a problem with some applications, the "Launch" button didn't changed to "Identify". Well after I launch to the application, "Launch" button changed to "Identify" in a flash but changed back even I already launched. Maybe somebody can help me with this. Thank you.

Level 4
I know of three causes to this problem. 1) You entered more than just the path to the executable in the executable path field (i.e. you added launch parameters) 2) The process changes name after launching (i.e. by lauching a child process and killing itself) 3) You made changes inside the process modeller without restarting Blue Prism (sometimes this is a bug that occurs, it doesn't want to Identify without restarting BP and then launching again).

Hi jordi, thank you for your kind reply. I guess my problem is because of 2). Could you give me some advice on solving this problem?

You can try the technique of Launching via Process Name. This can be achieved using a built in Blue Prism utility called Utility – Environment. Use Action - Start Process which takes the path of your target application. This would result in launching of application but no Object would be attached. You can now create an object which does not launch the App directly but attaches to the Application that is already running. (You can find this option in Application Modeler Wizard, when creating an object.) With this, your Identify button should remain for spying elements.

Thank you for your kind reply. I will have a try.