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while login to BP Client ,we are getting unexpected browser error

Level 3
while connecting to authentication server, it throws Expected browser error ,you will be returned to sign in screen

2nd error-API service accounts is not automatically syncs

Support IT


We have a Knowledge Base article which addresses this error scenario with suggested troubleshooting steps here: 
"Why do I get an "Unexpected Browser Error" exception when attempting to log in to the Blue Prism client via the Authentication Server?"

Have you reviewed this KB and implemented the suggestions as a first step?

Steve Boggs
Senior Software Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX

still not resolved, i have followed your documents

Support IT

Hi Parthiban,

The primary suggestion in the KB article is to review the environment's Event Viewer (EV) logs for a related error to investigate further. A few commonly-seen associated errors in the EV logs are then referenced with troubleshooting steps provided.

- What was the related error(s) seen in the EV logs?

- What investigative and/or troubleshooting steps did you follow from the KB article?

This scenario you describe is not typically related to Blue Prism code, rather the error Blue Prism is displaying indicates an environmental issue you may need to investigate with your IT team to resolve. If the suggestions provided in our documentation don't yield results for you, we would suggest to open a ticket with us in Support and provide the required details on what's been tried so far, relevant EV logs, etc., so we could help investigate with you.

Steve Boggs
Senior Software Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX

Helpful, in my case, authentication.fqdn is not resolvable, fixed with host file entry


VL Ganesh
Tech Arch RPA