Hi everyone, this may get a bit lengthy, but I'm going to put in a bunch of questions I've found online for the ATA02 exam which have questionable answers. There's no discussion on the websites that host them so I thought I would start that off here. I"ll put the questions in and then show where in documentation it shows they are wrong. In some cases its no so clear cut so hopefully people with more experience could shed some light on what is correct.
It was my understanding that high-latency connections were only possible when going to/from runtime resources, so I didn't think the third option would be correct. I picked for process development but I honestly wasn't too sure it just seemed to be more correct then the other options.
To Answer this question, I referred to this table from the credentials manager datasheet:
Which mentions AES256,3DES, and it also mentions that you Blue Prism can be configured to use keys generated by users.
Run time resources are computers right? They then execute the steps in a process. In the answer they pick, they say its an executable (like a .exe file?) and that it contains the logic of a single process but the Runtime resource doesn't hold any instructions itself right?
Runtime resources don't do any scheduling themselves, I thought that was done with the interactive client. I chose the fourth option as this was mentioned in the infrastructure guide I think (don't quite remember the page).
virtualization is recommended on type 1s for production and they list out quite a few that you can use: VMware vSphere, Citrix XenServer, Microsoft Hyper-V, KVM. So to me it makes more sense to pick the first option as you should also consider the SQL version and what specific hypervisor you want to implement.
I'm going to switch to a different site now "exam topics".
I don't really have an issue with their answer I more just don't quite understand by being 'centrally deployed' If anyone could give some insight I would appreciate it.
I thought it was B, because in the network connectivity guide it has:
Which to me reads like operating connections use WCF, hence B.
I Agree that the answer is A but in the infrastructure guide, it just talks about high latency to RTRs being okay, but this answer implies that this doesn't apply if the connection is from an application server but is okay from an interactive client. Is this how that works?
theres quite a lot here so ill break it down by each option:
A – Complexity is introduced to the architecture: It may also introduce complexity into the Development lifecycle –such as how workload can be shared… (3.3.2. virtualization guide)
B – Same for F: this is the case for presentation virtualization/hosted shared desktop, not app virtualization or layering software.
C – This is true for non persistent desktops
D – This is correct: page 12/15 of virtualization guide
E – This is the case with non-persistent virtual desktops but not necessarily any app virtualization/layering software.
F –
I clearly am missing something because right now I can really only say AD but I wouldn't know what the third option would be. If anyone could provide some help I would appreciate it.
Switching again to exams provided by 'gratis exams'
The answer I arrive at is ABE, I've broken it down by each option once again:
A – yes: The communication is received by a .NET service listening on a designated port (default: 8181) on each device hosting a Runtime Resource. By default, this communication is native TCP however for advanced implementations it can be secured by leveraging a local certificate. (securing blue prism network communication page 3)
B – yes (quote from A again?)
C – Looks like its not true, you can configure a login agent to do this but just because a RTR is doesn’t mean the login agent will be either: “Where the conventional RTRs are configured to force encryption of incoming connections using a specified certificate, it is necessary to manually apply the appropriate configuration to the login agent RTR” (login agent user guide p 12/16)
D – It doesn’t mention .NET being possible nor is there a “Use secure Connections flag” (see below for possible options)
E- yes? I think so:
I'm honestly not too sure, I couldn't really find too much about data base growth but I thought it would be A & D because the logs depend on how you configure it and the more resources you have the more logs each will generate.
I think they are correct, but is there a guide somewhere for how you configure the connection, because I didn't know that you had to check the box on the configuration screen. I guess what I'm asking is how do I get to the configuration screen.
I think that was all the ones I was having issues with. So if you have any ideas please share below and thanks for reading!