Level 3
since ‎13-11-23

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HelloI am trying to read Emails from Outlook with the "MS Outlook Email VBO" using the action "get received Items". When executing the action everything goes fine, except that there is no Items in the output collection, even when there should be plen...
HelloI would like to save an excel file with a "read only" protection. This means the next person who opens the file can only read the document and not edit it. I tried the Action "Protect Workbook" but I didn't manage to make it work. Is there any t...
Hello I would like to sort the column M in ascending order in this Excel file. I was able to turn on the filter on Row 10 with the Action: "Turn on Autofilter". But then when trying to apply the "Add Sort to Autofilter" action, nothing happens. Is it...
Hello,I have this issue, that when i open my desired website on Chrome i have to select the certificate. The problem is I can't spy that popup with Browser mode. Is there any known work around for this PopUp? 
Hello I have encountered an error when inserting a "SUBTOTAL" formula in an Excel sheet.If I use the formula for example "=SUBTOTAL(9;Q1:Q10)" i get following Error:Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03ECIf I use a "SUM(Q1:Q10)" formula it works perfectly...