Hi Devneet,Thanks for your reply and After replaced all the actions to Excel Enhanced VBO, the code executed successfully. but the rows in my excel didn't get unhide.Need to check whether the issue is with the excel.
Hi Devneet,I am able to perform the action (open workbook, activate workbook and show) with the same handle and only in action Unhide rows I am getting the issue...------------------------------Tamilarasi SAssociate software engineerTechMahindraAsia/...
Hi Devneet,I have used the Unhide Row(s)' action of the 'MS Excel - Extended' VBO and while I am running getting the below error. Please find the screenshot for your reference.please let me if anything need to be added more......Thanks for your help....
What I meant is I tried the range with two ways A1:N50 and 1:500------------------------------Tamilarasi SAssociate software engineerTechMahindraAsia/Kolkata------------------------------
Hi Devneet,Dim Excel = GetInstance(Handle)Excel.ActiveSheet.Range(Range).EntireRow.Hidden = FalseThe given code is not working fine and I tried with range (A1:N50, 1:500)Please let me know If we can achieve the same in different way .----------------...