Level 4
since ‎17-04-19

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currently a detailed guide is not available which will provide information on different attributes that exists in Application Modeler, a detailed guide would surely help in selecting attributes for e.g. what do we mean by Match Index or Class Name at...
feature to create and save a connection between process and bot machine will help to get rid of dragging processes on bot machine by scrolling through the long lists of bot machines, feature can be introduces as a schedule without any timing, but can...
Hi All, We are using Is Logged In action from Log In VBO to check if bot is logged in the VDI or not, this action was always returning false value on our development VDI, this action works on SIT VDI. We are using Blue Prism version and hen...
I need to open the word document and then need to find and replace some text. Created a process and used MS Word VBO and created stages as below. 1. Open the document (works fine) 2. Show the document (works fine) 3. Find the text (it finds the text ...
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