since ‎17-04-19

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is it possible to integrate IDP tool with Blue prism desktop latest version as of now like we do for unattended enterprise automation?
In timeline view of a project - how i can filter with particular event without hovering the mouse over in below snapshot i want to filter by Order hold but without actually hovering the cursor and see the event name.  
i noticed that Milestone view details/map are always on "top 50 of primary path view"[bar on bottom].but if i change from top 50 to say top 5 or 10 then still information in milestone view is not changed accordingly but it get changed in primary path...
 in capture tool - there is a option showing  of react flow. is it related to capturing the process or only to showcase what capture is using for its task? ------------------------------Neeraj Kumar------------------------------
I have two question for starting  the mining work. Q1 - Can i start with task mining and leverage recorder and recording service to see user interaction OR it is must to include process mining as well.  Q2 - What is best practice for recoding hours. ...