Level 6
since ‎18-04-19

User Statistics

  • 86 Posts
  • 1 Answers
  • 1 Likes given
  • 16 Likes received

User Activity

How do you normally use schedules? Do you create one schedule per process? For example one schedule that runs at 8am on bot1 and another schedule that runs at 6pm on the same bot1. Or do you create one single schedule per bot with all the tasks t...
I don't use Blue Prism's timetables at all because it doesn't show to which bots the schedules has been assigned. Until now I've been using Outlook, but since my number of bots is increasing the schedule visualization in Outlook is getting too cumber...
It would be nice if Blue Prism had open automation contests, like posting a challenge and giving a prize to the developer or team that come up with the more creative/stable/reusable solution. This would motivate more the collaboration and interactio...
A while ago someone posted an unofficial Outlook VBO, but I can't find it now. Can someone shared that VBO or the forum post please? Thanks!
It would be nice to be able to sort the Documents published on the portal by date. BP does a great job with the documentation but it's hard to find the recent publications.
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