Hi Swaminathan,Instead of launching using the navigation stage, try it launch from Start Process in Utility-Environment and attach to the object. Also, make a small change in chrome settings and try.In Chrome, Settings -> Privacy and Security -> Site...
What type of browser are you using? Instead of using HTML element for username and password use Active Accessibility element. Use Navigate stage to write username and password and don't forget to activate the window before writing into it. ----------...
Sorry TomIn my experience, I have overcome such issues by using all AA elements as it replicates manual actions and always activate the window before using AA. I have had experience with checkboxes(HTML spy) which gets checked visually but actually n...
Hi Tom,Just to confirm, are you using HTML elements to check the checkbox? I have had similar issues in the past, using AA elements fixed all the issues.------------------------------Antony PappachanRPA DeveloperPersistent SystemsAmerica/New_York----...