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Sending a Left Mouse Click issues

Level 4
​Hi All,

Hope you're well!

I have an interesting issue... that's proving very strange.

I am currently using V6.3 (upgrading immeniently) however I am sending a Left Mouse click to an IE based application, and this is all working great. Its properly identified and sending the actual click. However, its almost as if the click is too quick for the Application.

In a nutshell, there is a requirement for me to select all relevant financial adjustments with a zero balance via a select tick box. Once these have been selected then you have to press an Authorise hyperlink button. My Object does all of this fine. What should occur is that once the Authorise button has been pressed then these selected Adjustments now disappear from view as they have been dealt with. What is actually happening is that that once the Authorise link is pressed via RPA then all of the ticks are removed!!!! If I replicate this manually then it all works fine, however when automated it doesn't work.

I have used AA, HTML, UIA etc... to spy the Authorise button and its is spying correctly and also pressing it correctly. I have also used Global Mouse Click, Click Centre, Global Mouse Click Centre etc... and they all actually press the correct link, but I'm at a loss as to why it is not performing the way it should?

Any ideas anyone?

Kindest Regards,


Tom Mason
RPA Developer

Level 5
​I would bring up the developer tools on the browser , find where one of the tick boxes live in the html code and watch the state change when you click the tick box manually.  When you then click using the business object , see of the state change is the same

Stephen Eric Jones
Blue Prism Developer
Swinton Insurance

Hi Stephen,

Many Thanks for replying, much appreciated!

I've never used Developer Tools before but my issue tends to be with the Authorise button, not the Tick boxes.

Basically, my Object places a tick into each of the relevant Tick boxes as required. My Object then clicks the Authorise button, however when the Object clicks it (and it does click it) nothing happens, yet when I physically click it with the mouse, then the Authorisation occurs and the relevant ticked adjustment disappears from view.

My issue is the fact that even though the Object presses the Authorise Button in exactly the same manner as a Human, nothing happens. Its very strange.

Kind Regards,


Tom Mason
RPA Developer
Sefton MBC

​My initial thinking is that even though its showing as ticked it my have not instigated the tick in the html code of the page. 

For example, we had an issue where we selected 'Car' from a dropdown list and then clicked the submit button,  the page wasn't in fact submitting anything even though the dropdown now displayed as 'Car' selected due to the fact that the selection we had made had not been posted into the html

F12 (developer window) on internet explorer can be very useful in spotting when this happens, you can actually see in the page code what's happening when you navigate through a page.

The other reason is that you may have not spied the Submit button element that's needed, if you go back into your application modeller and use the Application Navigator to spy the Submit button, there may be a subset of that section of HTML that you need to use instead of the one that was spied in the normal way.

Stephen Eric Jones
Blue Prism Developer
Swinton Insurance

Hi Tom,

Hope i find you well , can you please try the below listed points and share the output with us:

1- Trying sending some Hotkey "ENTER" and check if your screen changes . Or try clicking after pressing any hotkey through global mouse click center . (Example just press "Ctrl Key" through global click and than try clicking the button)
2- Can you just re-attach to the same application and check if after that it clicks.
3- Can you please check if Element Exist through wait stage and then try clicking the same .


[Vipul] [Tiwari] [Senior Process Simplification and Optimization Developer]
------------------------------ Vipul Tiwari Senior Process Simplification Developer Amazon ------------------------------

Level 4
Hi Tom,

Just to confirm, are you using HTML elements to check the checkbox? I have had similar issues in the past, using AA elements fixed all the issues.

Antony Pappachan
RPA Developer
Persistent Systems

Hi Antony,

Yeah I created both AA, and HTML versions of the Element within App Modeller, but to no avail. The issue isn't with the actual Tick box as they all work fine, its the actual Authorise Button/Link. My Object (which is being built in development) actually looks as if it is clicking the button, but once it does all of the select ticks are removed and its like the page is refreshed to as it was before I select the Tick boxes and then press Authorise. Its very strange as doing exatly the same steps manually works....

Kind Regards,


Tom Mason
RPA Developer
Sefton MBC

Sorry Tom

In my experience, I have overcome such issues by using all AA elements as it replicates manual actions and always activate the window before using AA. 
I have had experience with checkboxes(HTML spy) which gets checked visually but actually not. In such scenarios, I use AA for checkboxes also.

Antony Pappachan
RPA Developer
Persistent Systems

Level 2
Dear All,

Hope some one can assist me. 

I have some similar issues with the Radio Button (Yes/NO) which will work absolutely fine with Check Box(UIA) mode in the Development Region . But when we have deployed to Prod the Radio Button gets Focused but it will go to top left corner and will right click and throws me out of the Webpage. I have issues in spying them with HTML  and AA Modes. The URL link for test is different from Prod and I am sure that I haven't used "Right" click option anywhere on the code .

Steps I tried 

1) Attach is used before the Radio Button code.
2)Radio button on Prod worked fine when Highlighting from App Modeller.
3)When running the Prod items manually the Radio button will work , issue  occurs only when we run the BP code in the SCheduler .

Please suggest . Your help is much appreciated .

