Hope you are doing well.
I've automated the search and download of various files on specific companies from different sources. All files are saved in a dedicated folder. Now, I'd like to merge the files together following a condition (here a...
Dear all,
I'm already trying to automate some reporting by copying and pasting some graphs and pivot tables from an Excel to a Powerpoint.
I've done it first through VBA but I believe it would be a great use case to do it using RPA. I'm not a grea...
Hello !
I hope you are doing well.
Using the application modeller, I've spied a HTML edit area in which I enter some text, it works. I would just need to use a key stroke "enter" to validate, but I cannot find the command in the navigate stage. D...
Hi all !
Question: At the moment I've got a process going in the main folder, then to each subfolder and copy files 1 by 1 in another folder. Is it possible to select all files in the subfolder and copy them in one shot instead of 1 by 1? Note I ca...
Hi Aikudino,
Thanks for your answer.
I ended up doing what you suggest but by copying the content of the worksheet to the new workbook, creating each time a new sheet. It works but it's not perfect I'd say. You mention ""copy sheet"" which I could...
Hi Vishal_Pasupathi10,
Thank you for this great work. Could you please instruct me how to install this VBO? I created an object but I'm not capable to say which part of code is dedicated to which action !
Hi John & Greg,
So I tried and it still does not work unfortunately. I obtain this error message ""Internal : Failed to perform step 1 in Navigate Stage 'Enter and validate commo' on page 'Getreports' - Command 'AAFocus' gave invalid result