Hi,I am not able to connect to the database in Azure Synapse via Blue Prism (It's external DB, not BP DB).An AD account is set up in Azure and I am using the correct AD credentials when I am trying to connect.Any thoughts?
Hi,I was using:Driver={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server};Server=ServerName.sql.azuresynapse.net,1433;Database=DBName;Uid=ROBOT_ID;Pwd=PWD;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Connection Timeout=30;
Sorry for the confusion. I need to use another account (not a windows account) to authenticate in Azure.I was trying to use credentials for this other account using Data - SQL Server but it didn't work out.Is there any other way that I can connect to...
I am using object Data - SQL Server.I am getting an error: Login failed for user XXXBut we were also trying with a connection string in the code stage from Microsoft documentation.I am not sure if Blue Prism supports ADD authentication.