Hi Bhavithra,
Add error handling within macro with message box
On Error GoTo Ermsg
MsgBox "The following error occurred:"&Err.Description
------------------------------Joshna DammalaRPA DeveloperAsia/Kolkata------------------------...
Hi Pratik,Environment locking is a feature to avoid deadlock situation between many bots for a shared resource. This is primarily used in multi bot environment where multiple bots functioning on a shared resource. It is always better to use environme...
Hi Anusha,If you want to launch multiple applications within single window, launch one applciation initially and use shortcut key ctrl + T to create new tab to launch another application.Or other way is to use start process action within utility-Envi...
Hi Varun,UIA mode works slow compared to AA mode. go with AA mode, if AA mode doesn't work then go with UIA mode. HTML mode make it faster as it work based on attributes like HTML path, Tag,class name UIA mode has limited attributes compared to AA an...