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Level 12
Status: Not Planned
The Ideation page allows for Liking or Unliking a proposal. From what I've understood, you need a certain number of Likes for BP to consider the proposal to be implemented. Unsure if the threshold is 10 or 15 likes. With the introduction of Unlikes, I assume it is the sum of +Likes and -Unlikes that have to reach the threshold set by BP.

The Unlike button made me wonder as to why it was there - are we trying to mimic a Facebookean popularity contest? I certainly hope not and therefor hope the Unlike button will be removed.

If it does stay however (depending on the number of likes on my proposal :-), I'd prefer to have motivated Unlikes. In other words: If you Unlike an idea, you have to motivate why you don't like it.
1 Comment
Hi @PvD_SE,

Thanks for your idea! As part of our ideation review process, we look at how many upvotes an idea has - once an idea receives 20 upvotes, it becomes eligible for review by the internal team. While we do discuss any downvotes as part of our review process, downvotes do not disqualify an idea from being reviewed, nor do they count against the score (so an idea with 20 upvotes and 5 downvotes will still qualify to be reviewed). 

I think it's important to keep the downvote feature in place, as in the true spirit of crowdsourcing, it's important that we get an accurate view on whether users will find value from this idea. However, it does not impact whether an idea will be reviewed. As such, I've marked your idea as Not Planned

Thank you,