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Azure Blob Storage API using SAS token

Level 5

We recently have gotten our first usecase for working with the Azure Blob Storage. The usecae consists of downloading and re-uploading certain Excel files after these have been updated.
For now we have been using the Azure Storage Explorer by letting our robots work via the UI of the application. For authorization we make us of a SAS token.

Recently, we have found out that it should also be possible to interact with Azure Blob Storage via the REST API. As this solution in the long run is less maintenance-sensitive, we are interessed in using this. Unfortunatly on the Blue Prism DX we could not find a pre-build solution which uses a SAS for authorization. Therefore we were wondering if anybody already has had success in working the the Azure Blob storage REST API and if they could advise us in how we could work with it using a SAS for authorization?

Many thanks in advance!

With kind regards,
Arthur Philippa

Level 7
Hi Arthur,

i found this on the DX that might give you What you need

Also I have written the Azure Cosmos DB equivalent here

Hope that is of some help. Reach out if you need any help. I have worked plenty with these integrations in Azure and Blue Prism.

Peter Lacken.

Level 5
Hi @peterlacken,

Thanks for your response. Have taken a look at both objects, however found that both do not use a Shared Access Signature (SAS) for authorization.​
The Azure Storage utility for example uses a Shared Key to authorize its request. As I am not the greatest C# code editor, I find it quite hard to modify the object so it can use a SAS for authorization.

Do you have advise on how I could ammend this object so it can make use of SAS instead of a Shared Key?

Thanks in advance!

With kind regards,
Arthur Philippa

Hi Arthur - Were you able to implement this use case of accessing Azure Blob Storage from Blue Prism? If so, can you please provide some guidance as to how it was implemented?

Thank You!