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Collection Manipulation - Filter Collection

Level 3
Has anyone used this vbo? I can't get the filter to work - has anyone successfully done this or is there an issue with it?
#Collection Manipulation
#Planning and Sequencing Skill
#Blue Prism

Hi Craig, The Filter method works sort of like a SQL Select statement, so it will enumerate through the input collection checking for rows that match whatever select statement you've defined. As an example, let's say we have a collection with three rows in it and fields "Name" and "Value" (both of which are Text). The rows in the collection are: "Item 1" "Value 1" "Item 2" "Value 2" "Item 3" "Value 3" Now let's say I want to return the row with Name = "Item 3". I would enter the following select statement: "Name = 'Item 3'" Notice the double and single quotes. Hope this helps. Cheers, Eric
#Blue Prism
#Collection Manipulation
#Planning and Sequencing Skill

Thanks Eric, I'll give that a try.
#Planning and Sequencing Skill
#Collection Manipulation
#Blue Prism