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.NET Framework v4.8 in Application Modeller conversion tool

Level 4
I will be installing the AM conversion tool, and .NET Framework v4.7.2 is one of pre-requisites. Note: It did not say v4.7.2 or Higher
We have latest .NET Framework v4.8, will it work?


Marilyn Gagarin
Senior Programmer/Analyst
United Rental, Inc.

Hi Marilyn,

.NET Framework 4.8 should work, as it is backwards compatible with 4.7.2.

Bruce Liu
Senior Product Consultant, Professional Services
Blue Prism

I believe it works, from experience I needed to run something from 3.1 and 4.8 served me well!

Emerson Ferreira
Sr Business Analyst
Avanade Brasil
+55 (081) 98886-9544
If my answer helped you? Mark as useful!
Sr Cons at Avanade Brazil

Hi Bruce,
Installed .NET Framework 4.7.2, and AM conversion tool successfully executed and it created a conversion file from our object .xml
It converted all IE HTML elements  into WEB element. I imported the converted file, and now issue is that we are getting error "Highlighted results - No matching Web elements found" which we believe it's compatibility issue because of our BP version in although we are in Chrome x.91.   We needed higher BP version or upgrade in order this to work, correct?
Any other advice? Note: if upgrade is needed, where can we get upgrade package, installation documents, user guide?  I am thinking this is not within DX 


Marilyn Gagarin
Senior Programmer/Analyst
United Rental, Inc.

Hi Marilyn.

Chrome v91 is not supported by Blue Prism v6.3. You must upgrade to a higher version of Blue Prism. To know more about supported browsers and Blue Prism versions, see our browser compatibility matrix here. Generally speaking, the newer the Blue Prism version, the better support it has working with modern browsers.

I would also suggest you perform a simple check by attempting to spy an element on a random website using modern browser automations. This would give you confidence that there is no issue with the way how Blue Prism and browser extension is installed before attempting to validate the outcome of the conversion tool. 

I just need to make you aware that there is a chance that the converted element will not work straightaway. The conversion work done is a best effort attempt to make elements to work for two different Blue Prism spying modes. To make matter more complicated, browsers themselves may also render elements differently. If a converted element does not work on highlight, you should not dwell too much on it, just simply respy the element using the modern browser mode. For more information on browser migration and the things you should know beforehand, please watch the video I created here.

Bruce Liu
Senior Product Consultant, Professional Services
Blue Prism