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New Connector for Microsoft Office 365 - Outlook Released!


A new connector is available, on the Digital Exchange, for working with Microsoft Office 365 - Outlook. This is a complete design of the previous Microsoft Graph API - Outlook connector.

The new connector is implemented as a traditional VBO (Visual Business Object), so there are no issues with being able to download and save attachments directly from the connector. This connector has similar actions to the legacy Outlook VBO, but since it leverages Microsoft Graph API, behind the scenes, it does not require Outlook to be installed locally on the runtime resource.

Some things to be aware of:
  • The legacy Outlook VBO exposed multiple actions (i.e. Basic, Advanced, and Expert) for retrieving emails from the Inbox or Sent Items folders. The new VBO simplifies and consolidates these multiple actions into a single action that support OData $search and $filter options. Refer to the documentation for links to further Microsoft information about using these properties.
  • Microsoft limits the size of attachments when sending emails via the Graph API. Their documentation is a little confusing on what the actual max size is. The Graph API documentation implies that singular file attachments can be up to 150MB each, but Exchange Online limits the overall size of a Message (i.e. headers, body, attachments, etc all together) to no more that 150MB. In our testing, the latter appears to be the actual case. 

You can find the new connector at the following link:

Microsoft Office 365 - Outlook

#BPTechTips #DigitalExchange #Outlook


Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange

I am using 32-bit BP version 7.1.2

@Christer_Tellefsen ok, so an easy "fix" would be to try the true 64-bit release of BP. That's the biggest step towards addressing out-of-memory errors. 

You mentioned the lack of a next page link, you will only receive a next page link if there are more attachments on the specific amil item than what Graph can return in its standard response which I think may be 10 to 15 items.

We'll take a look at the code and see if there's anything additional we can do with regards to downloads.


@Christer_Tellefsen I was just looking back over you answer, and you mentioned you're calling Get Attachments. You should not be getting an out-of-memory error for that action as it's not returning the actual contents of any of the attachments. That action simply returns the meta data of the attachments on a specific message. How many attachments are there on your test message?


Thank you for following up.

We are testing with a single attachment 46 MB, which is also password-protected. When I attempt to access it at this point in the process


I encounter a System.OutOfMemoryException



@Christer_Tellefsen that's interesting. This is an exception being thrown when we try to pass the JSON payload, from Graph, into the Newtonsoft DLL in order to parse out the NextLink URL.

There may be an easy resolution to this. Since there's only one attachment, this entire stage can basically be skipped. Open the Code stage and replace the existing code with the following block:

if (json.Contains("@odata.nextLink"))
	nextLink = GetNextLinkURI(json);
	nextLink = "";

The revised Code stage should look like this afterwards:


So it's doing a simply string search to see if there's even a nextLink element in the JSON. If not, it doesn't try to load it.
