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Scheduler Pending Session Starter VBO

This is the beginning the support thread for this VBO.

David Dinh
Software Support Engineer
Blue Prism

Hi Nagarjuna,

Strangely, if you downloaded the asset from the link as mentioned by @David-Dinh you should not face any compilation issues as I also am not facing the same. But, the issue you are facing is most likely a reference call issue with some missing DLL or namespace import. Can you verify once if you have the AutomateAppCore.dll file under your Blue Prism installation folder or not.

If you have that, then please cross check once if the namespace imports and the external references provided in the below screenshots are matching or not?

For your ease, the namespace imports are:
  • System 
  • System.Drawing
  • System.Data
  • BluePrism.AutomateAppCore
  • System.Collections.Generic
  • BluePrism.AutomateAppCore.clsServerPartialClasses.Sessions

And, the external references are:

  • System.dll
  • System.Data.dll
  • System.Xml.dll
  • System.Drawing.dll
  • AutomateAppCore.dll



Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Process Automation Consultant | Sr. Consultant - Automation Developer,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.
Blue Prism Community MVP | Blue Prism 7x Certified Professional

Hope this helps you out and if so, please mark the current thread as the 'Answer', so others can refer to the same for reference in future.
Devneet Mohanty,
SS&C Blueprism Community MVP 2024,
Automation Architect,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.

I would say this is a very important process to implement. My team had dozens of Pending restart sessions troubling our nightruns. But this has solved it.

Is there any way this could pickup on "Warning" like it finds Pending?

Dim sortInfo As New SessionSortInfo(SessionManagementColumn.StartTime, SessionSortInfo.SortDirection.Descending) 
Dim maxSessionCount As Integer = 1 
Dim users As New List(Of String) from {user}
Dim processes As New List(Of String) from {Process}
Dim resources As New List(Of String) from {resource}

Dim sessions As ICollection(Of clsProcessSession) = gSv.GetFilteredSessions(processes, resources,
             users, 0, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, False, False, maxSessionCount, sortInfo) 

PendingSessions = sessions.count

Atli Harðarson

Hi Atli,
I dont think there is a way.  Warning is a calculated value based off the query below.  The status needs to be 1, which is running.  Pending sessions are 0.
select as resource_name,
from BPASession s,
BPAResource r
s.runningresourceid = r.resourceid
dateadd("s", lastupdatedtimezoneoffset, getutcdate()) > dateadd("s", warningthreshold, s.lastupdated)
and s.statusid = 1

You could modify this query to get anything with status id = 0, user [scheduler] and X seconds after startdatetime.  (X being 15 seconds might be a good start).  
This will return for you anything that is stuck in pending by scheduler.



David Dinh
Software Support Engineer
Blue Prism

Hi Virpi,

Greetings for the day!! As we are using 6.10.3 just wanted to check if this solution works for you in this version as for us it is not working. I have observed that it is starting the sessions created by users other than scheduler but not the ones created by scheduler.

I have tried changing user variable value to All, Scheduler but nothing seems working for me.

Nilanshu Soni
SME- BluePrism

Hi David,

Greetings for the day!! As we are using 6.10.3 just wanted to check if this solution works for you in this version as for us it is not working. I have observed that it is starting the sessions created by users other than scheduler but not the ones created by scheduler.

I have tried changing user variable value to All/Scheduler but nothing seems working for me.

Nilanshu Soni
SME- BluePrism

We experience the same errors now that we upgraded Blue Prism from 6.10.2 to 7.1.2. Most probably something changed and the VBO ist not compatible to Version 7 in its current version.

Til Minet
RPA Developer
EWE AG Germany

I have got rid of pending sessions using Http commands to the resource PC not through this VBO, http commands are more reliable and you can either start pending sessions or delete them.

Nilanshu Soni
SME- BluePrism

Hi Nilanshu,

There is a switch called "Using Older Version?".  Can you try it both ways and see if it corrects the issue for you?  If it does not, please submit a trouble ticket and request "David Dinh" in US.  We can set up a working session to get you going.


David Dinh
Software Support Engineer
Blue Prism

Hi Manish,

Sorry for delay, I did not see your message until now.  This is a good idea.  I will add it to the queue.  In the meantime, you should be able to by changing the properties of the objects.


David Dinh
Software Support Engineer
Blue Prism

Hi Soni,

Has this been resolved for you?  We can schedule a meeting if need.  Please cut a support ticket and route to "David Dinh in US".


David Dinh
Software Support Engineer
Blue Prism