It is possible, but it will take some rework of the code. Within the Confluent .NET library there's the Message class which is what we're creating and passing in the Produce() and ProduceAsync() actions. The Message class exposes a property called Headers that you would need to set with your specific header information. Unfortunately, due to the way the code is currently structured in the Code stages you can't just pass it in as the Message object is being created within the library call to Produce() and ProduceAsync().

So what would need to be done is to pull the instantiation of the Message object out of the function call and then just pass the actual instance of Message object to the function. Hopefully that makes sense. It would basically look like this:

This is a bit of a contrived example because of the hardcoding and limit of 3 headers, but hopefully you get the idea. I'll add an item to our backlog to get the Kafka VBOs updated to support the use of Message Headers.