Digital Exchange
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Welcome to the Blue Prism Digital Exchange Community!

The Blue Prism Digital Exchange is a "shop window" for new and emerging technologies—a platform that puts powerful RPA and AI capabilities into the hands of business leaders. Users can find and apply pre-built AI capabilities, in the form of downloadable integrations and Visual Business Objects (VBOs), to automated processes. These assets connect and integrate Digital Workers, existing systems and processes to Blue Prism's technology partners, creating a solid foundation of AI-enabled Intelligent Automation that's scalable and sustainable.

Forum Posts

Run Python Script with Blueprism

Hi Team,I am doing a small POC to run Python script with Blueprism. In one of the discussion I found there is VBO for this : But I am not able to access th...

Resolved! Issue when testing Power Platform Custom Connector

Hi I have followed the guide for setting up the Power Platform custom connector with Blue Prism. I exposed a process in Blue Prism, created the Azure function with Visual Studio, then created the custom connector in Power Automate. I followed the gui...

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Issue using dynamic attribute in java application

Hi all,I am trying to dynamically use the ordinal of a Java Tables elements as the table itself cannot be spied. I want to use the ordinal plus the number of records being input into it as the ordinal to interact with. For example I have 3 rows to i...


Please fill survey - required for masters thesis

Hello All,As a part of my masters' thesis, I have created a survey - "User Feedback on RPA implementation" for professionals practicing RPA. The main purpose of my survey is to collect data related to the current usage and challenges facing by profes...

Resolved! Exporting filtered queue export using automateC

Hi There,I was trying to extract the queue report of all the processes based on a filter (monthly,weekly).Currently the below expression is working perfectly and i am able to extract the fulle report."/exportqueue"&""""&[I_Exports Folder] & Replace(R...

Resolved! Microsoft Graph - SharePoint VBO Challenges

Hi Team,I am looking for your help on Microsoft Graph - Sharepoint connector web API - action 'Update List Item Column Value'. I am able to run this successfully with request payload in json format as per the ask. However it looks that it doesn't upd...

Utility - HTTP (Async)::POST JSON issues

I'm trying to POST a simple JSON object , but I keep getting an error. Also I'm calling the startup action before POST. See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exce...


Abbyy OCR

Hi Team,I am looking to implement abbyy OCR functionality in my environment, Can anybody guide me step by step to acheive this.I have seen lots of posts on this and its mentioned we need to download abbyy flexi capture connector and import in bluepri...

Integration with Cherwell

Hello experts,Has anyone worked with Cherwell(an ITSM) product to integrate it with BluePrism?If so any kind of information would be greatly appreciated.------------------------------Roshini Syed------------------------------

ServiceNow Intigration

I'm getting error while intigrating with ServiceNow. I have install Connector for ServiceNow Incident Mgt Skill and imported in Blue Prism and I have create one proces to run this action as mention.------------------------------arpit alne------------...
