20-10-22 12:02 PM
i really hope that this belongs here but i have a Probmlem with converting a CSV to an Excel file.
When Blue Prism opens the CSV file, the format is realy unstructured (Pic1 Attachment). The strang thing ist that when i open the CSV by myself, it looks correct.
My Process (Pic2) is working and saves the CSV as an XLSX BUT the format is still like in Pic1.
I know that theres a similar case at: Solved - How to handle csv file
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but that just didnt work for me .
I really hope that you can help me, cause i just dont know what to do.
26-10-22 02:45 PM
qt = ds.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & Path, Destination:=dr)
Try changing that to the following:
qt = ds.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & Path & ";CharacterSet=UNICODE;", Destination:=dr)
26-10-22 04:19 PM
27-10-22 09:19 AM
Hey @ewilson
I changed it like you said
but now its even worse and i just dont know why,
At the moment a use the Replace in worksheet VBO and replace all the special chars like "Ö" with oe, etc.
But that is not the perfect soloution.
27-10-22 11:35 AM
27-10-22 11:47 AM
Hello @ewilson in the attachment is a shortened Version of the csv.
I tryed this version too but its still the same.
Also i cant find an error in my process
Plus my collection has the same converting problem.
Greetings Niklas
27-10-22 01:08 PM
28-10-22 08:28 AM
28-10-22 03:58 PM
28-10-22 05:31 PM
01-11-22 08:18 AM
@ewilson it worked! What a strage Encoding... i will make a note of that, and will check the Encoding for further CSV Datas, this one was just cursed.
I really really cant thank you enough. I would never have solven this problem by myself and really nobody could help me.
Thank you for all the help and the patience, you are my absolute hero.