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I can't select an option in a box in the browser

Level 6
Hi, dev friends how are you?

Well, I have a serious problem in an apparently very simple stage of the project, on this site I need to select the file format being "pdf / csv / excel / excel.xlsx.

I always need to select excel.xlsx but I tried several ways, including:

Click on the box and send "down+ down+down", however hours it works and others not.

Second way;

Activate the screen, then use "global send keys" in the box and send the "PGDN" and hit enter

I've already tried for Region...

The problem is that there are moments that work and others that don't, could someone talk about how to do this step?


José Francisco Bezerra Nunes Júnior

Hi Jose,

If only 'Global Send Keys' are working, I would suggest you to refrain using any sort of method that is based on position. The reason is let say tomorrow few more elements get added to the drop down at the end or in between then technically, three times down or using the position at the very end might end up in selecting the wrong value.

You can use the below logic that I have used in multiple dropdown fields in many applications in past. 

What I would do is first send a click on that element using 'global click center' and then just pass the first letter of the dropdown option. In your case it would be the letter 'e'. Also, while sending this ensure first the application window is activated by using 'Activate' function on the Win32 element that you have spied for the parent window and then you sent a click directly on this drop down element that you spied on you application Modeler either using Browser Mode, HTML mode, UIA or AA mode and then you send the Global Send Key action on the Root Element of your application tree, the one which appears at the top most section by default.

After this send an 'Enter' key as well in the same way like I suggested above. Then you use a 'Read' stage to get the text value of the dropdown. If the value that you read is equal to 'Excel (XLSX)' you can proceed ahead. If not again repeat the same steps by sending 'e' key again. Again, all dropdowns may not function in the same way so if on sending 'e' key, if you observe that your control does not go to the next available drop down option just substitute 'e' with down key in that case. Once the next dropdown value is selected again read the value, validate if it is 'Excel (XLSX)' and if the validation is true come out of the loop otherwise again repeat everything.

This way you can select the control more reliably and you wont end up with some arbitrary value. Also, in between your logic of sending 'e' or 'down' and then 'enter' just remember to add some very small static delay as when you will run this from Control Room sometimes the bot speed might be so fast that some of these key press or click activities might miss.

Let me know if this helps you out and if you have any questions. Always happy to help 🙂

Hope it helps you and if it resolves you query please mark it as the best answer so that others having the same problem can track the answer easily

Devneet Mohanty
Intelligent Automation Consultant
Blueprism 6x Certified Professional

Hope this helps you out and if so, please mark the current thread as the 'Answer', so others can refer to the same for reference in future.
Devneet Mohanty,
SS&C Blueprism Community MVP 2024,
Automation Architect,
Wonderbotz India Pvt. Ltd.