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A la hora de arrancar un proyecto, Pros y Contras de OBJETOS Y PROCESOS, con cual te quedas finalmente y porqué?

Level 2

Hola, me han trasladado esta pregunta para analizar. Y quería saber yo creo que esta la diferencia en que los procesos solo se les llama una vez y los Objetos son reutilizables en otros procesos por ejemplo. El proyecto es de SAP

Pero el foco de la pregunta está en el tema de discusión, alguien puede arrojar luz a este asunto?

Rosa Gonzalez Hernandez
Consultor Developer



Hi Rosa - I can only reply in English.

When a process runs, it downloads the object definitions it needs into memory, and the definitions stay in memory until the end of the process. Objects are not downloaded at the start of the process, an object is downloaded at the point where the process needs it for the first time. If another process runs at the same time, it will download objects into its memory and will have no connection to any other process. If a user changes an object after the process has downloaded it, then the changes will not affect the process.

Blue Prism methodology is to create objects to be reusable across multiple processes. By using a modular design and keeping object pages simple, you can in crease the probability that the object can be reused. This will reduce delivery time and make maintenance easier.

I hope this is helpful.

John Carter
Blue Prism