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About Object Queries

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Hi, 1. I have a little bit confusion about recover and resume element. My question is that can we use recover and resume in an Object level. In my scenario i want some situation to be bipass and bot continue their work. 2. Is it mandatory to use conditional wait in object level and sub pages. 3.If i am writing "System exception" in exception in small letter. It is mandatory to write word "exception" as capital letter like "Exception" Kindly answer my queries it is important for me. Thank You

Level 2
Hi, 1. Yes you can use it on object level. When I used it in my object I wanted exception to be captured and passed to user so I just logged/added it into collection 2. Conditional wait is not mandatory but it is a good practice to use it in order to prevent exceptions in case no error occurs but bot just has not waited enough for the page to be loaded. Conditional is better than unconditional as it decreases time of waiting 3. Not 100% sure what you mean in 3. But if you refer to creating new exception type you can use any case, it is up to you

1 Yes 2 Always use conditional waits where possible, without them the object timing is very brittle. 3 You can have any type you like but be aware that spelling is case sensitive if you want to analyse the type elsewhere in the logic, eg ExceptionType=""System Exception""