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Action to create a new Collection or Data Item

Level 2
Hello, As mentioned in the Header, I was wondering if it was possible to create a Collection or Data Item through an Action. I've been trying to sort out a main collection into a few (roughly around 10 collections), and for that, I've been trying to dynamically create collections in a loop. Would this be possible? Alternatively, is there a way to append a collection field in a collection? (ie. I'm creating 10 collections in a single collection). Thanks 🙂

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is there a way to append a collection field in a collection? "" - Hi Syahirunnisa, Yes it is possible to append a collection field in a collection using ""Utility - Collection Manipulation"" Business Object and ""Append Field"" Action (In inputs specify input collection, Field name to be append and value...In outputs specify target collection) Hope this will help.. 🙂

Is it possible to create a Collection or Data Item through an Action?"" No it's not possible, data items must already exist. Maybe nested collections could help.

Hi Mayur, Thanks for replying! I've tried the VBO mentioned, but there are only ""Append Field (Number)"" and ""Append Field (Text)"" actions. I assume that the ""number"" and ""text"" refers to the data type to be filled in the field. How do I change the type to ""collection"" instead? Thanks once more 🙂

Hi John, Thanks for the information! I'm trying to create nested collections through looping, but I seem to be facing some problems too. The ""Append Field"" action does not have a ""collection"" type to it, only ""text"" and ""number"" types. Any advice on how to do that? Thanks again!

Level 2
Is there a way to create DataItem / any other Stages over the Loop (Dynamically) ?

Try creating the child collection separately and once complete, add it to the parent.