Hi everyone,
I have an issue and will be grateful to get your advice.
I use office 365 and i 'm preparing the bots for the Microsoft Information Protection feature. This feature has already been turned on for some test workstations only.
Now when i send a mail using outlook, i get a popup and i must choose a label (like internal, private, and so on)
I manage to add some lines of code (see below) to the standard outlook VBO and this almost works.
- i send a mail with the VBO and the label selection popup appears ==> not working
- If i open outlook and send a mail manually and then i send a mail with the VBO ==> It works
I always must send one mail by manually selecting the label. Then i can send a mail with any label using the VBO without popup.
Best regards.
Added in "Send Email" action
Set the 'Headers_AIP' input
"MSIP_Label_" & [Label GUID] & "_Enabled=True; " &
"MSIP_Label_" & [Label GUID] & "_SetDate=" & Now() & "; " &
"MSIP_Label_" & [Label GUID] & "_Method=Privileged; " &
"MSIP_Label_" & [Label GUID] & "_Name=" & [Label Name] & "; " &
"MSIP_Label_" & [Label GUID] & "_SiteId=" & [SiteID GUID]
add Headers_AIP as new input in the code stage.
Dim oPA = mail.PropertyAccessor
oPA.SetProperty ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/string/{00020386-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/MSIP_Labels/0x0000001F", Headers_AIP)