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Application Modeler / Odd Behavior

Level 3
Has anyone encountered significant issues with the Application Modeler in regards to saving/retaining items in a specific hierarchy? In attempting to craft an effective Application Model, I've nested application elements in a similar manner as to how they appear in the host application. However, I often find that, after I've moved elements to the appropriate location in that hierarchy tree and clicked "Apply" and "OK" to close the modeler, those elements do not remain in those locations the next time I access the Application Modeler. They are often in disorganized locations in the hierarchy, either the way they were prior to my organization attempt, or in a wholly different section. Furthermore, I've experienced issues I can only describe as "corruption" of the modeler. In the process of moving elements to various different groups in order to better organize and access them, I've discovered that entire sets or groups of elements can simply disappear entirely from the modeler. I'm currently in the process of requesting an entire SQL DB restoration due to this issue, and am curious if any other clients have experienced it before. At this time, due to the DB restoration efforts, I have no logs or other materials to upload for review.

Level 4

Next time when you save, apart from clicking "Apply" and "Ok" in the app modeler window, save the entire object as well by clicking on the "save" button in the object studio.

If the issue continues, suggest you to raise a BP support request.

Shashi K R

Shashi Kumar
Senior Consultant

Note that the original post is from 2014. I don't think the issue still exists.

Dave Morris
Cano Ai
Atlanta, GA
Dave Morris 3Ci at Southern Company Atlanta, GA

Oh! yes. I didn't notice the posted date. It somehow come in my feeds though!

Shashi K R

Shashi Kumar
Senior Consultant