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Applying a Filter in Excel with Multiple Critera

Level 4
Dear Sir/Madam,

I have managed to create a custom Excel object which includes a filtering feature. However It works well when only a single criteria is used... I am attempting to filter only records that have "Failed" written, or that have "blank values" in the field of interest using the following code:

Dim worksheet as Object
Worksheet = GetWorkbook(handle, Nothing). ActiveSheet
worksheet.UsedRange.AutoFilter (Field:= fieldToBeFiltered,  Criteria1:=criteriaToFilter, Operator:=2, Criteria2:="=")

However when running the process showing Excel output, only the "Blank" cells are being selected to be filtered, leaving out the "Failed" rows:


How can I proceed to correctly use more than one criteria fo the filter please?

Jean Luc Farrugia

Level 5
Please check this documentation from Microsoft:

There is an example how to filter by several values:

Hope you will be able to update your code and make it work.

Kind regards,

Dmitrij Mamajev
RPA Developer
Volvo Cars
Gothenburg - Sweden
Kind regards, [FirstName] [LastName] [Designation] [JobTitle] [CompanyName] [City] [State] [Phone]



I remember someone helped me for this few months back . Please find the below code.

You can apply filters by adding a new action to the existing MS Excel VBO.
- Take any of the simple diagrams of the existing actions in the VBO
- Modify the input and output parameters as per your requirement
- Ideally it can contain only one Code stage .
- Add the below code in the Code stage
This is just a sample working code under general conditions. You will need to amend it as per your requirement.

Dim sw, dw As Object
Dim ss, ds As Object
Dim excel, sheet, varUsedRange As Object
Dim FilteredCount as Long


sw = GetWorkbook(Handle, Source_Workbook)
ss = GetWorksheet(Handle, Source_Workbook, Source_Worksheet)

excel = ss.Application
sheet = excel.ActiveSheet

varUsedRange = sheet.UsedRange().address   'you can give your own Range

If sheet.AutoFilterMode Then
    sheet.AutoFilterMode = False    'Turn off filters if already applied
End If
sheet.range(varUsedRange).AutoFilter (Field:=1, Criteria1:=1)
'For text, use within double quotes as Criteria1:="one"

'For multiple conditions in the same column use along with AND or OR operator as per requirement
'sheet.range(varUsedRange).AutoFilter (Field:=1, Criteria1:=1, Operator:=xlOr, Criteria2:=2)
'If the Blue Prism Code stage doesn't recognise the Excel constants of xlAnd, xlOr then
'either get the constants from this link 
'OR you can write a quick macro code as shown in Post #2 here

FilteredCount = sheet.AutoFilter.Range.Columns("A").SpecialCells(12).Cells.Count - 1    '12 implies for xlCellTypeVisible

If FilteredCount > 0 then

'This means there were rows returned by the filter

End if

Success = True

Catch e As Exception
    Success = False
    Message = e.Message
    sw = Nothing
    ss = Nothing
    dw = Nothing
    ds = Nothing
    excel = Nothing
    sheet = Nothing
    varUsedRange = Nothing
End Try

Vipul Tiwari
Senior Process Simplification and Optimization Designer(Solutions Architect)
Fidelity International
------------------------------ Vipul Tiwari Senior Process Simplification Developer Amazon ------------------------------

Hi Vipul,

Thank you. Shortly after I commented on this thread I was able to resolve my errors but couldn't delete my post!


Gareth Preston

Level 5

I recommend trying to use SQL to query the worksheet.   You can use the 'Data - OLEDB' object to create a connection to the worksheet like connecting to a database/database table and query the worksheet using the 'Get Collection' action.    If you have the drivers on the desktop that are needed, it is a 3 step process -- Set Connection, Get Collection (SQL), and Close connection.

Brenton Westwood
Systems Analyst
Southern Company

Thank you, Dmitrij! it helped me.

Alexander Wilssom